Recommendations to Parents

Parents are requested not to criticize the teachers in the presence of child at home.

For any grievances parents can use the EMAIL OR NUMBER: Principal – 9496673696

Parents/Visitors can meet the Principal/ Coordinator/Teacher on Second Saturday afternoon. During other days, prior appointment can be obtained by contacting the school reception

Parents are requested to bring any particular or specific problem of the child to the notice of the Principal to facilitate prudent counseling and guidance.

Parents are informed not to take the children home/function during the middle of any working day session, except under unavoidable circumstances.

Parents are advised not to make the children wear any costly jewels and not to bringing cash or valuable articles, stapler, scissors or sharp instrument to school.

Parents should not send sweets and costly gifts for classmates/teachers on the child’s birthday. Instead the child can donate books to the school library/ teachers/students. Parents should send the child in full school uniform on his/her birthday.

Parents should not allow students to use 2 wheelers other than bicycle to commute to school.

Students can purchase additionally, the assignment books, math lab record, diary and notebooks at the school stores. The amount will be added in the fee card.

We understand that it is unsafe for children to move alone on roads. Keeping this in mind, parents are advised to accompany students to and from school or advice students to go in groups for safety. Further, parents of transport users are advised to accompany students to and from the scheduled stops.

Students are not allowed to bring cellphones, cameras and other electronic gadgets. If found they will be confiscated.

Objectionable literature is not allowed into the school. Action will be taken against those guilty of brining such literature to school.

Parents are requested not to send pupils suffering from infectious / contagious diseases in the interest of caring other students. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all.

Parents are requested to notify the school if there is any change in their address/phone number.

Parents are expected to pay their fees before the last date for every term in the Bank as directed.

Co - Extra Curricular Activities

 The school provides indoor and outdoor sports and games, aerobics, gymnastics, yoga, , martial arts, visual arts program, life skills, etc. which are included in the regular schedule.

Attendance & Absentees

 Parent/student can apply the leave in the prescribed format at the rear portion of the diary.
 Generally students are not permitted to leave the school in the middle. In case of emergency, they may be permitted unless the parent or legal guardian is present or an authorization letter is sent through a bearer.
 A minimum of 85% attendance is compulsory for promotion to the next Grade.

Remedial Classes

 Students who score below 60% in any core subject will be referred to the Special Education Centre for focused coaching/counselling.

Student Progress and Evaluation

 Progress and evaluation marks of the students will be referred to parent through the school website with individual USER-ID. School website address is


A week's notice in writing is required for the withdrawal of a pupil from the school.
 The Transfer Certificate shall be given to only those who settled all their dues.
 The Transfer Certificate must be received in person by the Parent/Guardian. It will not be dispatched by post/courier


The interaction with the teachers and parents are the inevitable part of successful learning center. We provide individual interaction with parents and teachers towards the end of each term where mutual support and suggestions are interacted and practiced for the welfare of the student community.


We equip our children as per the talents of each one. In order to overcome the inhibitions and attain the best of their abilities we have Reinforcement classes after the scheduled time as per the requirement of each child to provide individual attention in all aspects of learning. This opportunity enables the child tobring about the best of his caliber.


Fees to be paid as informed at the time of admission/beginning of the academic year, as mentioned below.
 The fees should be paid in the Bank as directed and the photo copy of the counter challan to be submitted to the school for verification.


We do avail sufficient chances and training in promoting various scholarship exams to sharpen and shape the young minds of our Institution and make them globally competitive. we also grant 100% free scholarships for the +1 students along with entrance coaching.

VPS offers the following awards and scholarships to students of various levels to encourage the performance of students. Students shall strive to achieve these merit scholarships by improving their academic and non-academic performance.

General proficiency

Students who have secured A1 grade in all subjects in all examinations from every class will be awarded with proficiency prizes.


Scholarship is given to the students who have secured highest marks in the CBSE Board examination every year. Since grade is introduced in class X examination, a student who gets A1 grade in all subjects will be awarded with a trophy and a certificate. Students who get merit certificate from CBSE will be given a cash award of Rs. 500 also.

Best outgoing student Award

This is an award instituted by the REVI VARMA MEMORIAL for the best outgoing girl student from class XII. This award consists of a trophy, certificate and a cash award of Rs.500/-. The award is based on the performance in academic, sports, arts and general behaviour.