There is much to achieve beyond the portals of the academic halls, if you wish to develop your intellectual, cultural and artistic personality and to be a complete human being. It is your personal and professional potential that guides our beliefs that you can discover the distant worlds and be a part of the global society. Education at VPS facilitates such occasions and opportunities when you are provided the desired environment through excursion and other outdoor activities like sports etc. Those add a sense of fun and relaxation on the one hand and promote you talent and personality on the other.

VPS attaches a special importance to the exposure and experience of different climates and cultures, landscapes and societies because they inspire the imagination of the young observers and impart a sense of history to the seemingly ordinary experiences. Such exercises of excursions and participation in the games and sports, other athletic activities and non-competitive programmes give you a renewed self-definition, self- confidence and self affirmation; they teach you to value hard work and recapitulate the belief that ‘healthy mind’ is the precious gift of ‘healthy body’. Besides, you learn to be responsible for your actions and hold a team spirit which is the secret behind any successful ‘game’, let it be the game on the playground or in your professional surrounding.