Jagadeesh Varma Thampan - Principal

Education is introspected from different angles throughout human history and civilization. In the present era it is not mere acquisition of knowledge but structuring the required life skills along with the proper development of personality, character and values. Attitudes, values, knowledge and communication skills are the powerful pillars of education on which success of life is constructed. Varmas Public School reflects the strive towards perfection in this aspect of education by the multi-phased activities of learning which generate the true ambience of learning experience.

A student who is taught discipline will learn the power of self control. Freedom, to be truly effective, needs the guidance of discipline. To be successful, we need self-discipline which teaches us to sacrifice individual interest in favour of group interest. Teach our children to respect school discipline and to be proud of it. The parents and school authorities together can instil proper discipline and basic values in the children while preparing them academically for their future. This will make our children physically fit, intellectually competent and emotionally balanced.
