• There will be examinations conducted as per the syllabus. Revision of the chapters takes place in the stipulated time.
  • There will be continuous and comprehensive evaluation (cce)
  • Assessment will be done throughout the term and consolidated at the end of the term.
  • In case of absenteeism during assessment, the child will be marked absent. Only skill based testing will be done for the child who missed the test. His/her assessment aggregate will be calculated based on the number of tests attempted except for long absenteeism.
  • There will be examinations conducted as per the syllabus. Revision of the chapters takes place in the stipulated time

  • There will be continuous and comprehensive evaluation (cce).

  • Assessment will be done throughout the term and consolidated at the end of the term.

  • There will be flash test and other modes of internal evaluations like home assignments, class assignment, surprise tests, projects, activities and so on.

  • There will be two term end examination based on CCE pattern of NCERT.

  • There will be slip test, periodic assessments – home assignments, class assignments, surprise tests, projects, activities, and so on.

  • Pupils absent for an examination, for any reason are not re-examined and those absent from an examination without grave reason will be considered having failed. Any medical leave taken during the working days should be backed up by way of a certificate from the medical officer.