• Arrival by the school conveyance
  • Our 5 school vehicles bring our students in time to the campus and take them back safely to the home. We offer safe, comfortable and luxurious conveyance.

  • Assembly
  • Assembly acts as a catalyst to the learning process and our day starts with the assembly. The students display their innate talents at the assembly and they are critically appreciated. The display of discipline is the practical aspect of our assembly.

  • A prayer together
  • Our assembly begins with the prayer that unites all the members of the institution. Prayer unites the body and soul; this knowledge would empower the students to reach their goal.

  • Academic Discipline
  • The pre planned lessons are delivers systematically according to the year plan and the plan for the formative assessments.

  • Scholastic Learning
  • Each student is getting great opportunity for scholastic learning and the expansion of their horizon of knowledge.

  • Personality development
  • We aim at the all round development of the personality of each child. Our extra- curricular activities and co – scholastic activities incorporated in the curricula is exemplary for personality development.

  • Canteen & Refreshments
  • The School canteen avails a variety of snacks and refreshments which are hygienically produced and nutritionally balanced. We provide pure vegetarian meals at reasonable rates.

  • Sports Arena
  • Each student of our school gets an opportunity to play one of the games every day.

  • Understanding the cultural heritage
  • Our cultural heritage is conveyed to the tender generation through the various activities and cultural events of the school.

  • Talent development
  • Art education and other activities develop the innate talents of each student of our school.

  • Formative Assessment
  • Every child is systematically assessed and these assessments are properly recorded everyday as per the norm of CBSE.

  • Vedas
  • We provide opportunity to learn Vedas and yoga at school.

  • Safe at home
  • Our happy kids are safe at home with knowledge, attitudes and values.

  • A vast playground and courts for games are provided for the children to relax physically. It makes them healthy, strong and disciplined. Physical Education is given prime importance in the School Curriculum, in order to inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship and help gain physical fitness.

  • ARTS
  • The school has well equipped art centers for painting, drawing and clay modeling. The Activities are done under the guidance of talented and well experienced faculty at the fine arts department. Students with flair for music, whether classical or western and dance also have a platform to learn and excel. We have with us students who have brought laurels to the school in various competitions. At Varmas, we identify every student’s innate talents and nurture them using best of facilities.

  • We provide counselling and guidance to students as part of the regular school schedule realizing that steady and dependable guidance is essential for growing students. It includes a variety of group – oriented activities designed to enhance student’s attitude and values. We also give individualised attention to a small group of students, assisting them in specific educational, personal and career issues. The whole process of counselling orientation is developmental, preventive and crisis-oriented. With professionally trained counsellors and qualified psycho-educational assessment personnel on call we offer the best opportunity to each student.